The Data Catalog User Guide provides detailed instructions on the primary features and functionality of the Chiron Data Catalog websites.
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If you need additional help or training using the RData Catalog, need to report an error, or have a question, use the RDCRN Service Desk to contact us.
To build a cohort, select the desired variable(s) and click the ‘Apply New Filter’ button. You will see your cohort definition and corresponding Subject Count in the right column.
▶ Video Example: Create a Simple Cohort
This example shows how to create cohort of only Female subjects.
Once you have built a simple cohort, you may Select additional concepts to further refine the cohort. You can add as many concepts as you wish and the filter details will update in the right column.
Exclude Filter option
Use the Exclude Filter option to refine the cohort. Select the value(s) to be excluded, toggle ‘Exclude Filter’ and Apply.
Show data for active cohort only
Enabling the Show data for active cohort only toggle changes the data shown for each concept to only display data for the defined cohort.
Create a temporal query using longitudinal data
Datasets containing longitudinal data support the creation of temporal or event-based cohorts. Examples filters include:
Subjects who received drug X within 3 months of stem cell transplant and who have brain MRI post transplant.
Subjects who scored over X on a clinical rating scale after receiving XYZ treatment at an encounter.
▶ Video Example: Create a temporal query
Results View
Use the Results menu item to build a view of patient-level data. The records shown will include all patients subjects included in your the cohort . Clear any defined in the Query Tool. Or, clear cohort criteria in the left column to view records for all subjects.Adding the patient
Define Columns
Including the subject Record ID as a column is often the best place to start and this column is included by default. Next, use the Edit Columns link to select additional data concepts to include and click the Show Data button to view all records. Hover your cursor near as columns in your Results view. Here you can also remove and reorder columns.
Aggregation Method
Use the pencil icon at the top of each column to see a menu with a number of options to change column order, duplicate a column, remove a column or edit. The edit menu gives you a number of options for how to display the records. You can select Stack which creates a new row for each distinct value. Other options include listing only distinct values or listing counts. Use the Save as Report button to save your results under the Reports menu itemfor how to display multiple values for the selected concept.
Stack (one row per data point)
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, multiple rows will display for the subject.
List Distinct
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, all distinct values will be listed in a single row separated by a semi colon. No repeated values will be listed.
List All
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, all values will be listed in a single row separated by a semi colon. Repeated values will be listed.
Count Distinct
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, a count of distinct values will be displayed.
Count All
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, a count of all values will be displayed.
Most Frequent Value
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, only the most frequent value (or 2nd most frequent, or 3rd most frequent…) will be displayed. Additional options can be set to display the count or both the count and the value.
Latest Value
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, only the latest value (or 2nd latest value, or 3rd latest value…) added will be displayed.
Earliest Value
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, only the earliest value (or 2nd earliest value, or 3rd earliest value…) added will be displayed.
Has Value
If a single subject has more than one value for the concept, you can display True/False for specific values. You can also choose to display a count for specific values.
Save Query
Save your Results View as a Report by using the Save Query button. The report will save both your selected columns but also any cohort filters.
Download CSV
Use the Download CSV option to export the Results view columns and rows.
Reports saved from within the Results View are kept in the Reports section of the site. Reports can be shared with other users who have permissions to access the same data set within the Data Catalog.
Load a Report into Results View
Use the Load Into Workspace link to load a saved Report into the Results view. You can then make updates to the filters as well as the columns. Once you have made changes, you can overwrite the original Report or save your changes as a new Report.
Aggregate View
The Aggregate View tool allows you to display data in tables showing subject counts. No patient level data can be viewed in the Aggregate View.
Use the Edit Columns and Edit Rows links to build your table. Select a concept from the list (or use the Search box to locate a concept). Click Update to view the aggregate counts for the selected concepts in table format.
Additional options allow you to easily Swap Rows & Columns as well as Clear all selected concepts. You can also download a csv file containing the data shown in the table.