Use the Search Concepts box at the top of the list to quickly find a specific concept.
Build a Simple Cohort
By default, the Subject Count will display all Subjects in the dataset. You can use use concepts to filter the Subjects to a desired cohort.
To build a cohort, select the desired variable(s) and click the ‘Apply New Filter’ button. You will see your cohort definition and corresponding Subject Count in the right column.
Video Example:
Create a Simple Cohort
In this easy example, I wish This example shows how to create a cohort of only Female subjects.
Select Gender from the list of concepts
Select the checkbox next to the entries labeled as female
Click Apply New filter button
Total Subject Count value is reduced to just the number of subjects in the new cohort
Once you have built a simple cohort, you may Select additional concepts to further refine the cohort. You can add as many concepts as you wish and the filter details will update in the right column.
Exclude Filter
Use the Exclude Filter option to refine the cohort. Select the value(s) to be excluded, toggle ‘Exclude Filter’ and Apply.
Show data for active cohort only
Enabling the Show data for active cohort only toggle changes the data shown for each concept to only display data for the defined cohort.
Create a temporal query using longitudinal data
Results View
Use the Results menu item to build a view of patient-level data. The records shown will include all patients in your cohort. Clear any cohort criteria in the left column to view records for all subjects.