Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Enabling the Show data for active cohort only toggle changes the data shown for each concept to only display data for the defined cohort. When this is enabled, you can browse each concept and see data for the current cohort only. When this toggle is not enabled, the data shown for each concept will reflect the entire participant population.

Create a temporal query using longitudinal data


Aggregation Method


List All: for each Patient ID, all Medication Codes, including duplicates, are listed in a single row separated by a semi colon.


List Distinct: for each Patient ID, distinct Medication Codes are listed in a single row separated by a semi colon. Unlike with List All, each patient’s duplicate codes have been removed.


Stack: Each Medication code is listed one per row. If a patient has more than one Medication Code, their Patient ID can be seen listed multiple times in the Patient ID column.


Count Distinct: Instead of displaying the Medication Code values for a patient, show the count of unique codes for each patient.


Count All: Instead of displaying the Medication Code values for a patient, show the count of all codes (including duplicates) for each patient.


Most Frequent Value: Display only the most frequent Medication Code that is associated with each patient.


Save Query as Report

Save your Results View as a Report by using the Save Query button. The report will save both your selected columns but also of data and any cohort filters.

When saving a Report you will see the following options:

  1. Choose to Create a new Report or Overwrite an Existing Report.

  2. Give the Report a Name.

  3. Organize the Report into an existing Project or create a new Project. Projects can be thought of as categories or folders that house Reports. You can have one or many Projects.

  4. Give the Report a Description (optional)

  5. Select who can view the report:

    1. Leave the Share options blank to keep the Report private and viewable only by you.

    2. Select one or more users who also have access to the data set in Chiron.

    3. Or, select to share with everyone who also has access to the data set in Chiron.

If the report is shared with others, it cannot be changed or deleted by anyone but you. Others can load a copy of your report into the Results view, make changes and save as a new Report.

Download CSV

Use the Download CSV option to export the Results view columns and rows.


Reports saved from within the Results View are kept in the Reports section of the site. Reports can be shared with other users who have permissions to access the same data set within the Data Catalog.

Quick Guide to Building a Report

  1. First use the Query View to define a cohort. Or, skip this step to include all participants in the cohort.

  2. Next, use the Results View to select the data to include in the Report. Add columns of data and set the desired Aggregation Method on each column.

  3. Save the Report and select who can view the report.

Load a Report into Results View

Use the Load Into Workspace link to load a saved Report into the Results view. You can then make updates to the filters as well as the columns. Once you have made changes, you can overwrite the original Report or save your changes as a new Report.

Download a Report

Reports can be downloaded using the Download CSV button in the Reports section, or after the Report is loaded into Results View.

Aggregate View

The Aggregate View tool allows you to display data in tables showing subject participant counts. No patient participant level data can be viewed in the Aggregate View.

Use the Edit Columns and Edit Rows links to build your table. Select a concept from the list (or use the Search box to locate a concept). Click Update to view the aggregate counts for the selected concepts in table format.

▶ Video Example: Create an Aggregate table

This short video shows how to build a simple aggregate table where I can view participant Conditions by Gender. I have already used the Query view to set a cohort of only participants who have an Ethnicity set to “nonhispanic.”


Additional options allow you to easily Swap Rows & Columns as well as Clear all selected concepts. You can also download a csv file containing the data shown in the table.