Release Notes - Updates and New Features

Release Notes - Updates and New Features

As new and updated Tracker features are released they will be listed below. Have an idea for how the Tracker can be improved? Let us know.

July 2021

  1. Shipment status values can be manually changed to a new value using a Status dropdown available for each shipment on the Shipment Tracker page.

    1. Shipment statuses can be manually changed for shipments with a shipping carrier as well as those created with ‘No Carrier’.

    2. For shipments with a carrier, manual status changes can help in cases where the status indicated by the carrier is wrong or delayed.

June 2021

  1. The Local ID/Subject ID value in REDCap may be configured to show in the Tracker associated to each Sample. Configuration of this is set on each protocol in REDCap and defaults to: No, do not show the Local ID/Subject ID value in the Tracker.

  2. Sample Collection Time has been added to the Shipping Manifest PDF files.

  3. USPS has been added as a Carrier option.

  4. No Carrier has been added as a Carrier option for users who hand deliver shipments or otherwise do not use one of the Shipping Carriers. If No Carrier is selected, Tracking Number becomes an optional field rather than required. Shipments with No Carrier automatically show with a shipment status of Delivered.

  5. The ‘Showing Shipments’ dropdown on the Shipment Tracker page includes the option to show all previous shipments.

  6. Alert emails that are sent when a new shipment is created, when a shipment is changed to ‘Delivered’ status, and when a Sample status is updated now support the ability for recipients to ‘Reply’ to the email and communicate with all users who received that Alert email.

  7. Shipment exports can now be generated. Checkboxes allow a user to select individual shipments or all shipments to include in an export file. Exports are in csv format. Shipment and sample data are included in the export file. Shipments with multiple samples will show in the file as one row per sample.

  8. Layout changes on the Create Shipment page have moved the + (plus) buttons from the far right of the sample rows to the far left.

October 2020

  1. “Help” link added to the upper right of the site to allow for easy access to the User Guide.

  2. Allow for a setting on REDCap forms that indicate if sample date and sample time values should automatically show in the Tracker associated to each aliquot. Prevents the need to enter the sample date and sample time on each aliquot in REDCap, if desired.

August 2020

Initial release of RDCRN Biospecimen Tracker website.

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