RDCRN Permissions Dashboard
The RDCRN Permissions Dashboard website displays RDCRN member accounts and their permissions within the RDCRN suite of tools, websites and services.
If you have a role that allows you to use the Permissions Dashboard, you may use the instructions below to add, remove and edit members of your RDCRN Consortium.
Please contact us at support@rdcrn.org if you have any concerns, questions or feedback about Permissions Dashboard.
Table of Contents:
- 1 Add new RDCRN members to a Consortium
- 1.1 Basic member details
- 1.2 Additional member info
- 1.3 Add new RDCRN member - Authentication Email vs Email
- 1.4 Institutions where Authentication Email is different than a member’s Email address:
- 1.5 Add multiple members at once
- 1.6 Review new member(s) and confirm
- 1.7 Request access to RDCRN tools, websites and services using Member Permissions - Create New Service Desk Ticket
- 2 Remove RDCRN members from a Consortium
- 3 Edit a member’s name, email address
- 4 Download a list of members
- 5 Member review and attestation
Add new RDCRN members to a Consortium
Follow the steps below to successfully add new RDCRN member accounts for your Consortium.
Basic member details
To add a new RDCRN Member, you must know the member’s email address, first name and last name.
First confirm you are adding the member to the correct Consortium by viewing the value shown in the Consortia dropdown menu.
Click the Add Member button.
Enter all required information for the new member.
Members should always be added using the Email Address associated with their affiliated institution and not a personal email address.
The RDCRN login process supports members logging in with their institutional username and password, eRA Commons or Login.gov. Institutional emails should always be used and Login.gov should only be for members who cannot login with an institutional email. Read more about these supported login methods.
If the Email Address is formatted like name.name@domain.org, the First Name and Last Name fields will auto-populate. These values can be updated if the auto-populated values are not correct.
It is critical that each member have only one RDCRN account. In order to prevent the same person from being added to the RDCRN member database multiple times, the Permissions Dashboard looks for possible duplicates.
If there is a user in the RDCRN member database that closely matches the entered email or name information, a list of existing RDCRN members is displayed.
If the new member is already in the RDCRN member database but NOT in the selected Consortium, click the corresponding Select link to continue adding the member to the selected Consortium. The member will retain access to their additional Consortia as well.
When adding a new member to ‘TEST’ Consortium, a match is found in the RDCRN member database. Click ‘Select’ to add the existing member to the ‘TEST’ ConsortiumIf the new member is already in the selected Consortium, you will not be able to click the Select link. Instead, no action is needed and you can click the < Back to All Members link.
Additional member info
Expand the ‘Additional Member Info’ section to view additional fields that are optional.
Authentication Email - click here to view more details on Authentication Email
Phone Number
Job Title
Personal Webpage
Medical Specialties
Languages Spoken
Academic Degrees
Consortium Roles
Career Stage
The Notes field can be used for any member set up notes that you wish to maintain.
Add new RDCRN member - Authentication Email vs Email
Email is required for all RDCRN members. Members should always be added using the email address associated with their affiliated institution and not a personal email address. Email is used for communications to the member and is displayed in the RDCRN Member Directory. For most members, this email address is also used when the member logs in using the RDCRN login page. For some members, however, a second email address is needed.
Authentication Email is optional and should be populated for new members whose Institution’s identity provider (IdP) automatically supplies an email address to the RDCRN login page that is not a match to the member’s primary/preferred email.
Most users will not have this value set and will instead have only their Email populated in Permissions Dashboard. The DMCC has created a list of institutions where Authentication Emails are necessary. This list may change as new sites join RDCRN or an institution’s IT department makes changes.
If an Authentication Email is not set on a member account where it is needed, the following will occur:
The new member will attempt to use the RDCRN login process, but will not successfully login because they will not be found in the RDCRN Permissions Dashboard.
The member will see the RDCRN Access Request page with a message indicating they are unable to login. The member can complete the form on the page which then submits a Support Desk ticket.
The Support Desk ticket will be named as “Access Request for [Consortium]” and will contain the member’s information including consortium, name and email address.
You can use the supplied name to search for the member in Permissions Dashboard. If the member is in the dashboard under a different email, it may be a case where the email in the ticket should be added to the Authentication Email. The new member can try logging in again once you have updated their account.
Institutions where Authentication Email is different than a member’s Email address:
Institution | Email format | Authentication Email Format |
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta/Emory | firstname.lastname@choa.org | firstinitiallastname@emory.edu |
Children's Hospital Colorado/CU Anschutz | firstname.lastname@childrenscolorado.org | firstname.lastname@cuanschutz.edu OR firstname.lastname@ucdenver.edu |
Kennedy Krieger Institute | name@kennedykrieger.org | name@jh.edu OR name@jhmi.edu |
Partners Healthcare | finit.lastname@partners.org | firstname.lastname@harvard.edu |
Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego | finitlastname@rchsd.org | finitminitlastname@ucsd.edu |
Texas Children’s/Baylor | name@texaschildrens.org | name@bcm.edu |
UCLA | finitlastname@mednet.ucla.edu | xxxxx@gmail.com (can happen) |
University of California San Francisco (UCSF) | firstname.lastname@ucsf.edu | varies |
University of Utah | firstname.lastname@hsc.utah.edu | varies |
Add multiple members at once
Use the Add Another Member link to add additional new members the selected Consortium, if needed. Complete the required and optional form fields for each new member and then click Save and Continue.
Review new member(s) and confirm
Once all member information has been input into the form, click the Save and Continue button to complete a final review of the new member’s details. Clicking Confirm will add the new member to the RDCRN member database and the selected Consortium.
Once a new member is added, they will automatically receive the Welcome Email with information about how to sign in and navigate the RDCRN Members Landing Pages.
Request access to RDCRN tools, websites and services using Member Permissions - Create New Service Desk Ticket
Adding a new member to a Consortium gives them immediate access to many RDCRN tools, websites and services including the RDCRN Members Landing Pages website and box.rdcrn.org. The RDCRN Tool Garden lists all available tools and displays which tools a member has access to.
Some RDCRN tools require additional steps by system administrators to establish the correct access for the new member. Information can be added in the optional section titled Member Permissions - Create New Service Desk Ticket to request this additional access.
Information added here will automatically be copied into a new RDCRN Service Desk ticket. The ticket will then be reviewed by the Service Desk manager for that Consortium and delegated as needed. Access to the tools and services listed below is not given automatically via the Permissions Dashboard, rather access must be requested and then set up by the members of the DMCC or Consortium who have administrative level access in each system.
It is not required to add any information into the Member Permissions section. However, if the user you are adding will need to use RDCRN REDCap, Ambra, Biospecimen Tracker or Complion, it is best to complete this section rather than manually creating a Service Desk ticket in the future.
Site Affiliation
This section contains a dropdown of all Sites associated with the Consortium.
The Site name and 4 character code match the sites available in REDCap and this information is used to include the member in the correct REDCap Data Access Group(s).
Protocol Access
REDCap projects are created for specific Protocols. One or more protocols can be selected from the list. If the new member will need REDCap project access, the associated Protocol number must first be selected here.
REDCap Access:
The Projects listed are limited based on the Protocol Access already selected.
Use the +Add REDCap Project link to request access to additional REDCap projects.
A REDCap administrator will assign the new member to the appropriate REDCap projects. Any required REDCap training must be completed before access is given.
Biospecimen Tracker:
Select the checkbox labeled “Allow Member access to RDCRN Biospecimen Tracker for this REDCap project.” if Tracker access is needed. If you’re unsure, leave this unchecked.
If the member needs access to Ambra, select a Protocol, Location or Group and Role.
Use the +Add Ambra Access link to request access to additional Ambra projects.
To request Complion access for the new member, indicate a desired Role from the dropdown.
Anything added in the comments section will be included in the Service Desk Ticket.
Include new member on Service Desk email communications
By default, the new member will be added as a Participant on the Service Desk Ticket. They will receive email updates when the Service Desk Ticket is acted upon. If you’d rather not have the new member receive updates from the Service Desk, this box can be de-selected.
Once the new member details have been reviewed and the Confirm button is selected, the new member account is created immediately. If any details were supplied in the Member Permissions section, a Service Desk ticket will also be created so the necessary next steps can be executed by DMCC or Consortium administrators. If no information was supplied in the Member Permissions section, a Service Desk ticket will not be created.
Remove RDCRN members from a Consortium
(If a user’s name and/or email address needs to be changed, do not remove their account. Instead, Edit their account to update these values).
Confirm you are removing the member from the correct Consortium by viewing the value shown in the Consortia dropdown.
Locate the member in the list and click the Remove icon.
Remove iconYou will be asked to confirm that you wish to proceed with removing the member.
Note: Removing a member from a Consortium removes their access to all tools and services specific to that Consortium. This includes REDCap databases, Box folders and Ambra. If the removed member is a member of additional RDCRN Consortia they will retain access related to those additional Consortia. Most RDCRN members are part of only one Consortium and therefore removing them from their single Consortium removes all of their RDCRN access. Please be mindful of any data stored in the RDCRN data ecosystem that the user may have generated or ‘own’ and follow your consortium’s policies and guidelines to preserve access to those data as appropriate.
Edit a member’s name, email address
Locate the member in the list and click the Edit icon.
Edit iconUpdate any member details that need to be changed.
If a member is part of more than one Consortium, editing their member information will impact all Consortia they are a member of.
A member’s RDCRN ID cannot be changed once it has been created. This value is used behind the scenes within the RDCRN infrastructure and while it normally closely matches the member’s email address, it does not have to change if the member’s email is updated.
Click Continue to confirm the changes to the member's account. Clicking Confirm will save changes in the RDCRN member database. All changes to member accounts are logged and subject to audits.
Important: If an email address is being updated and the user has previously logged into RDCRN with an old email address, their Login Route value will need to be reset.
The login route can be reset by click on the “x” next to the Login Route. Once the Login Route is cleared, the user can login with their updated email address/credentials.
Download a list of members
The Download CSV link can be used to download a list of all members of a consortium. You can also perform a search on name, email or RDCRN ID and download just the members who show in the search results.
Member review and attestation
Users who have a management role within a consortium will be asked to review their list of consortium members on a quarterly basis. The purpose of the review is to ensure the list of members who have access to consortium tools and resources is kept up-to-date.
When a review and attestation are due, a message will appear near the top of the Permissions Dashboard website. The message is only displayed for members of a consortium’s management group. In addition, a reminder email will be sent to those same management members.
Once a member of the management group has reviewed the member list and submitted the form, the message will be removed until the next calendar quarter. While there may be multiple people who can view and attest to the member list, only one needs to Submit the form.
A review can be completed by paging through the member list or downloaded a csv of the member list.
Example of message on Permissions Dashboard website:
Example of attestation email: