Can REDCap send text messages? - Twilio / REDCap Integration

Can REDCap send text messages? - Twilio / REDCap Integration

REDCap currently allows survey invitations to be sent through e-mail. The Twilio / REDCap integration expands that capability to include sending outgoing text messages and receiving replies via text or survey link.

Outgoing text messages to participants can be delivered as a message with an accompanying link to a survey. A survey can also be delivered in a text message conversational format. Replies via text or link are saved in the appropriate location (organized by Local ID and Event) in the REDCap database.

Twilio / text message communications should be included in the study protocol and consents as needed. Please note that SMS & MMS are not a secure form of communication. When composing text messages, do not include any PHI or identifying information.

Messaging is enabled to all countries except: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Israel, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territory, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Vietnam. To enable messaging to one of these countries, please contact your DMCC project manager, data manager, or the RDCRN REDCap Helpdesk.



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