You will see two areas you can edit:
Block Description – this is the protocol number
Body – this is the copy that shows up on the detail study page on the live site.
Make any updates to this copy the same way you would on any other “Body” component—If you wish to make updates to the copy, type the information directly into the “Body”. If you are copying and pasting from Word, be sure to click on the “Source” button and copy text there in order to keep the HTML code clean. If your copy has more than one paragraph or if there are bullets, you can click “source” again after adding the copy and you can then add returns and bullets as needed similar to what you would do if you were in a Word document. (for bullets, highlight the copy you wish to include, then choose either the bullet or number button). Bullets or lists are not recommended for this page
When finished, click “Save” at the bottom on the page. The updated copy will show immediately on the live site.
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