UCDC Research Studies
Most of this page is driven from information imported into Drupal from the content database (Django).
Card Container (important for page layout/margins)
General Card – This is the only information on this page that you should be updating within Drupal. The two general cards make up the two columns you see on the live site.
Reference Drupal Block - only edited in Django.
To edit this page, scroll to the bottom and then click on “Edit” in the Admin Menu.
Click “Edit” next to the second “Container”.
Select the General Card you wish to edit – top general card shows on the live site on the left and the bottom general card shows on the live site on the right.
This is a “Card Container” which helps to display this information in a visually appealing way on the page.
Within a “General Card” a width is determined and the type of card.
If you have two cards, the width should be set to “Width 50%”. If you have three cards, the width should be set to “Width 33%”, etc.
If you wish to make updates to the copy, type the information directly into the “Body”. If you are copying and pasting from Word, be sure to click on the “Source” button and copy text there in order to keep the HTML code clean. If your copy has more than one paragraph or if there are bullets, you can click “source” again after adding the copy and you can then add returns and bullets as needed similar to what you would do if you were in a Word document. (for bullets, highlight the copy you wish to include, then choose either the bullet or number button). Bullets or lists are not recommended for this page.
The final component on this page is imported from Django.
If you need to add a new research study, you would do this within Django and not on this page.
Add a new research study to Django
If you wish to add a new study to your consortium, please reach out to the DMCC for assistance.
Edit a study in Django
Any updates within Django only show after a top of each hour site sync.
Log into Django
Select “Studies” on the left side
Select the study you would like to update. (screenshots are from 5113)
Update information as needed to the study fields.
Protocol Title
Funding Type
Diseases studied (search for the disease and then either double click or hit the right arrow to move it from the left side (all) to the right side (specific to this study)
Short description – this shows up on the website here-Research Studies :
Protocol Number - this is a read only field and cannot be edited/updated
Website URL – this is the specific page for the study- https://ucdc.rarediseasesnetwork.org/research-study/5113
Related Documents URL - this can be used to link to Box and consents, etc.
Show to Public – “Active” it will show on the website / “Inactive” it will not show on the website
Is Pilot Project – choose “Yes” or “No”
Study Status – “Active” or “Inactive”
Enrollment Status – “Recruiting” / “Closed to Recruiting” / “Not Yet Recruiting” – your choice here will determine which section it will appear under on the website
Current Enrollment – optional field – if filled in this will show up on the study detail page.
Target Enrollment – optional field –this information does NOT display on the live site.
Fill in the balance of this page as needed:
Study Sites – add any sites participating in this study-this information will display on the detail study page on the right side
Study Contacts – this information will display on the detail study page
How these two sections populate onto the live site:
When finished. Click “Save”. Any changes in Django will not show up on the live site until a top of the hour site sync.
Edit a detailed study page in Drupal
Research studies have detailed study pages created in Drupal. The pages are hidden – this means they don’t show up in the main menu and can only be accessed by clicking a link or if you know the URL.
Let’s look at one example: https://ucdc.rarediseasesnetwork.org/research-study/5113
There are two sides to the page – the left side which is custom built and the right side which is imported from Django and can only be edited/updated by making changes within Django.
To update the left side, navigate to the page. Unlike most pages in Drupal, there is not an “Admin Menu” at the bottom. To edit the left side, hover your mouse over the left copy and look for the pencil icon. Click this icon.
Clicking on this pencil brings up a pop-up with drop-down options. The options look different as detailed study pages are a block and not a basic page in Drupal.
Click “Edit”
You will see two areas you can edit:
Block Description – this is the protocol number
Body – this is the copy that shows up on the detail study page on the live site.
Make any updates to this copy the same way you would on any other “Body” component—If you wish to make updates to the copy, type the information directly into the “Body”. If you are copying and pasting from Word, be sure to click on the “Source” button and copy text there in order to keep the HTML code clean. If your copy has more than one paragraph or if there are bullets, you can click “source” again after adding the copy and you can then add returns and bullets as needed similar to what you would do if you were in a Word document. (for bullets, highlight the copy you wish to include, then choose either the bullet or number button). Bullets or lists are not recommended for this page
When finished, click “Save” at the bottom on the page. The updated copy will show immediately on the live site.
Add a New Detail Study Page to Drupal
You would only need to do this if a new study has been added (see instructions above on how to add a new study).
Study detail URLs are automatically created on the related consortium site when a study is created and marked “Active” in Django.
All information featured in the right column on the page is populated via API and must be updated in Django. Here’s a screenshot showing some of the information listed in the right column:
To add study detail information (HTML) text to the left-side of the page, you must do the following:
Create a Research Study Details block – click on “Content”, “Blocks”, “Add content block”, and “Research Study Details”.
You now need to add the details for the block.
Add “Block Description” – this is the protocol number and title of the study. Example: “6201: Modifiers of Disease Severity and Progression in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation”
Add “Body” – this is the information typically pulled from the information for this study found on http://clinicaltrials.org . Follow formatting from a study already on the site to make sure your new study will look like the other studies.
Click “Save and Configure” at the bottom of this page.
You now will configure this block.
The “Title” will be pre-populated – change it to only be the protocol number
Uncheck “Display Title”
Under “Pages” – insert “/research-study/XXXX” – replace XXXX with protocol number. e.g. /research-study/8888 (do not use the full website address). If you don’t do this step, the information and details for this study will populate on every detailed study page.
Under “Region” select “Research Study
Click “Save Block”
Your Study Detail text will now appear on the left side of the Study Detail page.