To add to the glossary, first log into Drupal.
Click on “Content” in the top left corner. Click on “Add Content”. Click on “Glossary”
In the new screen the opens add the “Title”. The first letter of the title will determine alphabetical placement of the new term within the glossary.
In the “Body” add the definition for the glossary term. As always, either type directly into the body or if cutting and pasting from Word, do this after you have clicked the “Source” button in the top right part of the “Body” box.
Nothing needs to be updated or changed on the right side of this page.
Click “Save”. The new term will immediately appear in the glossary.
To edit a current glossary item, first log into Drupal.
Click on “Content” in the top left corner.
Clicking this button will show you all of the content that is used for this website. To find glossary terms, look for “Content Type”. Click the down carrot next to “-Any-“ and select “Glossary” select “Filter.
To make an edit to a glossary term, find the term, click the edit button to the far right. Make any necessary updates and save.