SAS Viya - Git Integration

SAS Viya - Git Integration

SAS Viya Git Integration

This guide explains how to set up and use Git integration in SAS Viya.


  1. Sign In

  2. Navigate to SAS Visual Analytics.

  3. Log in using your RDCRN credentials.


  1. Create a Git Profile

Access Git Configuration

  1. Click the Navigation Bar (nine dots at the top-left corner):

  2. Select Develop Code and Flows:

2 - develop code and flows.png


Manage Git Connections

  1. Click Options at the top-right corner.

  2. Select Manage Git Connections.


Add Git Profile



Connecting Git via SSH

Connecting Git via HTTPS

(1) Log in to GitHub with your credentials.

(2) Visit GitHub Personal Access Tokens.

(3) Click Generate new token > Generate new token (classic).

(a) Set the Expiration Date as required.

(b) Under Select Scopes, check repo and user. Check other scopes if applicable


(4) Scroll to the bottom and click Generate token.

(5) Save the token immediately as it becomes invisible later.

(6) Enter your GitHub credentials in SAS Viya, using the token as the password


  1. Manage Repositories

  • Click the Git Repositories Pane in SAS Viya.

  • Add a new repository or clone an existing one from GitHub.


  1. Commit and Push Changes

Staging Changes

  • Single File:

    1. Double-click the file under Unstaged Changes in the Commit Tab.

    2. Alternatively, click the Left Arrow Icon.

  • All Files: Click the Right Arrow Icon.


Commit Changes

  1. Enter a Commit Message in the text box under Staged Changes.

  2. Click Commit at the lower-right corner of the message box.

Push Commits

  • Ensure you are a collaborator in the GitHub repository to push commits successfully.



  • Git Integration with SAS Studio

  • SAS Enterprise Guide Git Integration: The operations in SAS Viya are similar to those described in the SAS Enterprise Guide Git Integration documentation.

·      About Git Integration in SAS Enterprise Guide

·      Working with Git Profiles

·      Cloning and Adding Git Repositories

·      Understanding the Git Repository Tab in SAS Enterprise Guide

·      Viewing the Commit History

·      Committing Changes to Your Local Repository

·      Pulling and Fetching Files

·      Pushing Files

·      Resetting Your Local Repository

·      Working with Branches in Git

·      Creating a Branch

·      Checking Out Branches

·      Merging Branches

·      Removing a Repository