RDCRN Members Landing Pages

RDCRN Members Landing Pages

The RDCRN Members Landing Pages provide information and links to different RDCRN resources at different levels: network-wide, at the consortium level and at the protocol level. The links and functionality you can access from the RDCRN Members landing page is customized to your assigned roles in the RDCRN. Please expect the content, look and feel of this page to continue changing with some frequency as we bring new tools and features online.

NOTE: Do NOT bookmark the login page (URL starts with shib.rarediseasesnetwork…) - a bookmark on this page will not work. If you would like to save a bookmark then please do so with the Members Landing Page https://members.rarediseasesnetwork.org. From there you will always be able to access all RDCRN resources provided by the DMCC.


Home page

The RDCRN-wide Members' Landing Page (design as of Mar 2023)

Home page - Use the Home link to return to the RDCRN Members Landing Page home page.

My Consortia - Quickly access resources for the consortium/consortia you are a member of. You may also use the Consortia links in the top navigation.

Upcoming Events, Latest News & Announcements - Here you will see a news feed with network-wide information. Click on the panels for more details.

Member Profile, Support Tickets and Logout - The top right corner of the Members Landing Pages should always show your initials and a logout button. Click your initials to view and update your Member Profile. If you have any open Service Desk tickets you will see a link appear that will allow you to display a list of your tickets. You are strongly encouraged to log out once you are done with the RDCRN resources to ensure security and confidentiality.

Resources - Here you can find links to RDCRN-wide resources such as a searchable full Member’s Directory and Quick Links to resources, training modules and a document sharing area. Click on the REDCap Training button to visit a REDCap training module. It includes videos provided by Vanderbilt University and quizzes for each section. This training is encouraged for all RDCRN members who will be interacting with the RDCRN REDCap database. You can expect this section to grow as tools are added to the portfolio.

DMCC Helpdesk - The “DMCC Helpdesk” widget lets you submit help requests to the DMCC. Use of this widget is strongly encouraged as it streamlines communication and allows the DMCC to track requests centrally and assign resources quickly.


Consortium landing pages

Consortium landing page (design as of Mar 2023)

Info Panel - On the left of the screen the consortium logo and helpful contact information is always displayed.

Protocol Statistics - If Protocol Statistics reports are available they will be displayed on this tab.

Resources - Find Consortium-wide resources such as a Member Directory, training, links to documents stored in RDCRN Box folders and helpful tools.

Protocols - Links to protocol-specific resources including the corresponding REDCap projects and training are provided for each protocol.

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