RDCRN Data Catalog (aka Chiron)

RDCRN Data Catalog (aka Chiron)

The RDCRN Data Catalog utilizes a platform called Chiron to provide an easy to use cohort query tool. RDCRN users can use Chiron to review for data quality issues, help plan for recruitment, share reports with other team members or even allow public access to aggregate protocol data.

How it works

  1. Data is queried out of a source such as RDCRN REDCap. The data is transferred into a separate database used by Chiron for queries and reports.

  2. Chiron allows for different views into the data such as an aggregate view and more detailed patient level data.

  3. Queries can be saved as Reports and shared with other RDCRN team members.

How to access the RDCRN Data Catalog

The Data Catalog can be accessed using RDCRN credentials via the url https://datacatalog.rarediseasesnetwork.org/





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