RDCRN Box.com

RDCRN Box.com

What is Box? 

  • Box is a content management and file sharing platform. It provides a secure home for storing RDCRN documents and content.

  • Box allows us to store and share RDCRN documents safely, fostering collaboration across institutions. 

How do I log in to my Box account? 

Step 1

Go to members.rarediseasesnetwork.org.

Log in with your RDCRN username and password. 

If prompted, provide the second factor authentication through Duo.


Step 2

Under the Quick Links column on the right side of your screen, click RDCRN Documents

Step 3

RDCRN Box will open in a new tab. 

  • To access Box, you should always start at members.rarediseasesnetwork.org and follow the login steps. 

  • If you use a different URL to access Box, the following screen will appear: 

Click Continue, then follow the steps above to log in. 

What can I do with my Box account? 

  • You will have access to folders that are shared with you. 

    • You can download and share documents in these folders. 

    • You can also create Collections to organize your files and folders. 

  • If you require advanced access to create new folders or upload documents, consult with your consortium project manager to request read/write access on your behalf. 

What are the folder types? 

  • When you open a folder, you will see a green, red, or blue label to the right of the name.  

  • These labels indicate whether or not the folder contains documents with protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII). 

Folder type

PHI/PII okay?




RDCRN-Internal, No PHI



Folders and documents are only accessible to members of a specific consortium or the entire RDCRN.

Do not share links to this content with users outside of the RDCRN network. 


Safe for PHI and PII



Folder and documents may not be shared with external collaborators due to potentially sensitive (PHI/PII) content - only RDCRN members can access information. 

Owners confirm in a quarterly report that sensitive information is being managed properly. 


Collaboration Folder, No PHI



Folder and documents can be shared with external (non-RDCRN) collaborators. 

Do not share PHI/PII or other sensitive information. 

Why can’t I see my folders? 

  • You may be logged in to Box with a different account. When you are not logged in with your RDCRN account, your access to content changes. 

  • To ensure you are logged in with your RDCRN account, check the upper right corner of your screen for the RDCRN logo. 

  • If you do not see the logo, go to members.rarediseasesnetwork.org and follow the login steps. 


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