RDCRN Pedigree Drawing Tool

RDCRN Pedigree Drawing Tool

What is it?

The RDCRN Pedigree Drawing Tool is based on pedigreejs. It allows for the creation, viewing, and editing of pedigrees within a browser. This pedigree can then be saved in various data formats, as well as SVG and PNG images.


Bug Fixes/Features

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Allow the proband designation to be changed to a different individual

  • Features

    • Added “Consultand” designation

    • Allow diseases to be displayed as either colors or patterns

    • Added the following symbols for individuals: ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy (fetus), and miscarriage [corrected symbol]

    • Added logic to prevent some data inconsistencies (i.e. Alive and Miscarriage)

    • Allow Disease Diagnosis values to be Age, Date, or Present/Absent.

    • Save pedigree information in 2 different JSON formats

    • Save pedigree information in PED format

    • Allow up to 3 spouses for a given individual

    • Drag-and-Drop to re-arrange disease/phenotype list order in configuration (added 12/8/2020)

    • Additional individual fields: DNA Sample, Local ID, GUID (added 12/8/2020)

    • Create list of questions/checklist for user to answer before saving the pedigree (added 12/8/2020)

    • Zoom in and out of pedigree (added 12/8/2020)

    • Add Death date/age/year field when an individual is deceased (added 12/8/2020)

Upcoming Bug Fixes/Features

  • Allow 3+ parents for an individual to allow for: sperm/ovum donors, surrogates, and adoptions.

  • Correctly display sperm/ovum donors and surrogates

  • Create De-identified view for image saving and/or export

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