RDCRN NIH Toolbox support

RDCRN NIH Toolbox support


In order to facilitate secure and convenient transfer of NIH Toolbox data directly from iPads used in RDCRN protocols to the DMCC’s cloud environment, the DMCC is providing a web service for data ingest which (as of March, 2021) takes in the registration, summary and testing data and places it in a secure folder in the RDCRN Box instance. Interested protocol staff should contact the DMCC to be set up with credentials for their iPads. The DMCC will designate a Box folder for data delivery which can be made available to protocol staff. Future versions of the web service might incorporate more sophisticated validation and routing rules - please let us know if you have suggestions.

iPad Configuration (for Research Coordinators with access to the app)

In order to configure your iPad for uploading assessment results, you need to enter the information of your web service upload destination under Settings in the NIH Toolbox app.

Navigate to Data Security (you will be prompted to enter your NIH Toolbox passcode to access this section).

Make sure "Allow Data Export To Web" is checked, and tap “Edit” to fill in the following fields. 

The URL is your given upload destination:


The User ID should follow the format "svc.nihtbx-ipad.[YOUR PROTOCOL]@rdcrn.org", and input your given password.


Once this information is input, you may click the Test Connection button to ensure you can successfully connect. After a few seconds you should see a Success! message.


If you do not receive a success message please double-check the following and try again:

  1. Is the iPad successfully connected to wifi with a working internet connection?

  2. Is the URL, User ID and Password entered correctly?

If you have completed these steps and continue to have trouble connecting, reach out to us at support@rdcrn.org and include the specific error message you are receiving.


If you receive the Success! message you are now ready to upload assessment results under Export Data:

Select the assessment(s) you wish to export, and tap Continue.  On the following page, select “Upload to a web server...”

Make sure the correct three files correlating to the assessment you selected are checked, and tap “Create Files” to finish the file upload process.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I try this out? How do I get credentials for this app for my protocol?
    Please e-mail the RDCRN helpdesk at support@rdcrn.org for assistance - we are happy to help and get you set up.

  2. I have uploaded data to the RDCRN Cloud - where can I see it?
    The data is deposited in a folder in the RDCRN Box instance when the credentials are first used. Please contact your DMCC Project Manager via support@rdcrn.org to get access to this folder.

  3. What happens if a file with the same name is uploaded twice? Is there a risk of data loss?
    No need to worry - in the unlikely event a file is uploaded twice, it is currently added to box as a new version. Users will see a version tag such as in the screenshot below.

    Previous versions of a file can be retrieved by clicking on the ellipses next to the file name, then “Properties” → “Version History” (see screen shot below).

  4. Can you please have your web uploader do XYZ?
    The short answer is a definite “probably”. The longer answer is that we will consider requests and prioritize them according to the need across the network. We are always looking for good ideas on how to improve our intake process.

  5. What if I have other questions?
    Please email us at support@rdcrn.org. We like questions, and if they’re good we might even add them to this FAQ!

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