How do I flag PHI/PII fields in my REDCap database?
How do I flag PHI/PII fields in my REDCap database?
When creating or editing a variable in REDCap, there are optional attributes available in the right-hand side of the Edit Field window. One of these attributes is a Yes/No flag to mark the field as an Identifier. Toggle this setting to “Yes” for all PHI/PII fields in your database.
Date exceptions: Dates such as encounter dates, procedure dates, etc. are typically not flagged as Identifiers so that limited datasets can be created for users and integrated RDCRN tools. Direct identifiers (e.g. date of birth, date of death) should always be flagged in REDCap.
After marking the field as an Identifier, you will also see the Identifier icon appear next to the variable name in the Online Designer.
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