How do I export REDCap data?

How do I export REDCap data?

The Data Exports, Reports, and Stats module allows you to view reports of your data, inspect plots and descriptive statistics of your data, as well as export your data to a CSV, SAS, Stata, R, or SPSS for analysis (if granted access via User Rights).


  1. Under the Applications menu, click Data Exports, Reports, and Stats


  2. In the Exports interface, you may View Report as a webpage, Export Data out of REDCap in a specified format (CSV, SAS, Stata, SPSS, R), or view the Stats & Charts for the data specified in the left-hand column. Click Export Data for the desired report.


  3. Choose the data export format (CSV, SPSS, SAS, R STATA or CDISC ODM (XML))

  4. Select any applicable de-identification options

  5. Click Export Data



  6. Download data file(s). A CSV export will result in a single data file; exports formatted for stats software may include multiple files.



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