What email address does REDCap send from?

What email address does REDCap send from?

RDCRN REDCap uses the universal sender redcap@rdcrn.org for outgoing emails, and all REDCap emails are encrypted using Zix. The email address redcap@rdcrn.org is a no-reply address and is not monitored, so appropriate contact information for recipients to reply to should be included in the body of the email.

It is still beneficial to set Email From: to a preferred email address when setting up and sending email notifications.


That selection will set the “reply-to” value for the email when Zix is able to establish a secure connection and the email is delivered normally to the recipient’s inbox. The message will include both email addresses, and simply selecting reply will fill in the preferred one.

The preferred email address of support@rdcrn.org appears both in the From line of the received message and To for the reply

In the cases where Zix is unable to establish a secure connection and redirects to the portal, the preferred email address is lost. The Zix portal does not maintain that “reply-to” information, so all the messages are simply from redcap@rdcrn.org. These are the cases where it is especially important that contact info be included in the body of the email.




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