UCDC Patient Advocacy Groups
Patient Advocacy Groups
This page is driven from API imported from Django. There should not be a need to revise the layout/design off this page. Any updates within Django only show after a top of each hour site sync.
Updating or adding images –Image sizes should be 543x169 (pixels). Please submit a ticket to the DMCC Help Desk to request assistance with this.
Add or update information within Django. Log in and then choose PAGs from left side menu. To narrow down the selection to only show PAGs associated with UCDC, click “UCDC’ from the filter list on the right side. Click on a PAG to update the information or click “Add PAG” in top right corner to add a new PAG.
To add a PAG, click ADD PAG in top right corner.
Add full name of PAG
Code: - this would be an abbreviation of the PAG if used
Diseases – choose the diseases that align with the consortium even if the PAG assists with other diseases
Description – this information will display on the PAG website. This should be brief.
Alt name – I don’t believe this field is currently being used
Website URL – this is the URL for the PAG and NOT the PAG URL on the consortium website
Logo URL – this will be handled by the DMCC—submit a Help Desk ticket requesting assistance– this needs to be formatted as: https://static.rarediseasesnetwork.org + subfolder + filename.
Status – this should be set to “Active”. If a PAG becomes “Inactive” for your consortium, change the status here. Inactive status will remove it from the live site, but keep the information for historical purposes.
Once finished, click “Save”. Updates will appear on the live site after the top of the hour site sync.
Edit an existing PAG
If you need to edit an existing PAG, follow the steps listed above for adding a new PAG. Update any necessary fields. Click “Save when finished. Updates will appear on the live site after the top of the hour site sync.
PAG priorities –
As UCDC currently only has one PAG, this information is just in case it is needed in the future.
The default order for PAGs is alphabetical.
If a consortium wants their PAGs to appear in a different order on their consortium website’s PAG page, these are the steps to follow:
In the Content Database, go to the Consortia table/list. Choose the consortium that would like a custom order to their PAG’s and scroll all the way down to the PAG listing at the bottom of the consortium page (see screenshot below showing an example of an ordered PAGs list).
Order the consortia as requested by the consortium using the Priority field, starting with 1 for the first and incrementing up by +1. Any PAG’s that don’t need to be ordered specifically don’t need anything entered in the Priority field and will just be ordered alphabetically, appearing after those that have a priority. Once priorities have been entered, click Save. Changes will show on the live site at the top of the hour site sync.